What Lessons From Your SMA Experience Are You Applying In 2024?
Stop trying to control what is beyond my control. Sometimes you can't out swim the waves coming at you...you just have to ride them to wherever they take you.
Just take one day at a time. I know it's hard at times. but we all need to stay positive. Remember, there are a lot of people who are not as fortunate as we are!♥️
To be grateful for what I have achieved by over coming huge challenges.
I'm a caregiver. Trying not to be a caretaker. Living into the fact that the sole thing any of us can control is our response to the world around us.
Is Anyone Planning On Going To The Next Cure SMA Conference? It’s In CA From June 26-29. Scholarships Are Available From Cure SMA.
I Asked This A Month Ago. My Grands Have Been Diagnosed With SMA. How Would It Manifest Itself In Their 73 Yr Old Grandmother
Can A 23 Year Old Take The At Home Drug For SMA?