What Are You Really Proud Of?
I am most proud of being a mother. It’s the hardest yet most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.
I’m proud that I haven’t let SMA interfere with me becoming a mom and perusing my career goals.
I'm proud that I continue to advocate for myself and that I haven't dropped out of college😂
I am proud I have made it this far to become a dad for the first time last month!
My Daughter Emma is 2 years old with Type 1. I love her like crazy and wouldn't have her any other way. God perfected her when he formed her in the womb.
What Are The Steps To Get A Diagnosis Of SMA? What Kind Of A Doctor Would I See? I Live In Wyoming And Specialties Are Rare.
Hey Everybody! How Often Do Y’all Go To PT? And What Are Your PT Routines Like?
Sorry, I Have SBMA. Are There Any Medical Procedures That Can Stabilize The Progression Of The Disease?