Hey Everybody! How Often Do Y’all Go To PT? And What Are Your PT Routines Like?
I do PT twice a week. Once I run out of visits that are covered by insurance I switch to doing aqua zumba at our heated city pool. It’s a lot of fun and allows for cardio.
I also go twice a week but I switch to aquatic therapy in the summer. When I’m on hiatus, I try to do my exercises at home.
I Have Had 3 Falls In 5 Days. My Legs Collapse Without Warning And I Crash To The Ground. I Am Frightened. I Don’t Know What To Do.
I Have SMA Type 3 And Have A Torn Rotator Cuff. I Am Wondering If Anyone Has Dealt With This Specific Injury While Also Having SMA?
Is SMA The Cause Of My Tiredness? It Is Hard Work Doing Anything And Walking. It Would Make Sense That That Is The Reason For My Tiredness.