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Watch on Demand: ‘A Lifetime of SMA: Pregnancy, Dating, and Career’

Written by Raelle Brown
Updated on March 9, 2022

Living with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) as an adult can lead to a lot of questions about the unknown. From wondering how to approach dating and parenthood to investigating ways to forge a career, many people are seeking answers from those who have already traveled the path of SMA in adulthood.

Lisa Velez-Batista — known on the mySMAteam network as LisaAnneBatista — answered questions about these topics and many more during her recent conversation with mySMAteam’s associate events producer Raelle Brown.

Velez-Batista shared information about her SMA symptoms, how she defines independence amid life with SMA, and her experiences during pregnancy and parenthood.

Check out the video of the entire 30-minute Q&A sessions. Other topics Velez-Batista discussed include:

  • How she found a great SMA physician
  • What assistive tools she finds helpful when managing symptoms
  • What advice she has for other people with SMA

Register to be notified about upcoming Q&A sessions on mySMAteam.


Lisa Velez-Batista is an ambassador and writer on mySMAteam, where she’s known as LisaAnneBatista. Lisa was initially diagnosed with SMA type 3 when she was 20 years old, after which she made the decision to continue living her life as fully as possible. Lisa is the mother of two sons and had a 14-year career as a school-based speech therapist. Through writing, she aims to help people with SMA know that they are not alone and inspire them to keep fighting.

Raelle Brown is the associate events producer at MyHealthTeams, where she leads, organizes, and writes about a wide range of events. She has served as a patient advocate and an ambassador for national health organizations across the country, and she has written about health care topics in a variety of digital media. Raelle earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing and entrepreneurship and a certificate in social responsibility from Drexel University.

Disclaimer: The information, including but not limited to, information from presenters, text, graphics, images, and other material shared during this event is for informational purposes only. The information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you heard during this event.

Updated on March 9, 2022

A mySMAteam Member

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posted December 7, 2022
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Raelle Brown is the video producer at MyHealthTeam, where she leads, organizes, and writes about a wide range of events. Learn more about her here.

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