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Top 10 search results for "what is the chop intend motor test for sma" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

My 2 Year Old Have SMA Type 2 And I Need To Know What The Best Diet Will Be For Her.She Don't Get Any Treatment .She Is Constantly Bloted

A mySMAteam Member asked a question 💭
South africa gauteng

She is not crawling or walking.

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My 2 Grandchildren Were Recently Identified With SMA. The 21yr Old Is Not Affected But The 18yr Old Is Getting Shots. I Am 73 Yrs Old.

A mySMAteam Member asked a question 💭
Baltimore, MD

How would SMA manifest in me?

What Is The Ideal Diet For A Vegetarian SMA Patient ? Any Leads Is Appreciated

A mySMAteam Member asked a question 💭
Bangalore, India
A mySMAteam Member

It all depends on what type of SMA you have. I think you should ask your doctor for the best advice.I wish you the best! And Happy Thanksgiving!!

What Is The Life Expectancy For SMA Type 1?

A mySMAteam Member asked a question 💭
Stockton, CA
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A mySMAteam Member

My friend told me I am old than the planet Pluto. That was funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Is SMA The Cause Of My Tiredness? It Is Hard Work Doing Anything And Walking. It Would Make Sense That That Is The Reason For My Tiredness.

A mySMAteam Member asked a question 💭
Tasmania Australia
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A mySMAteam Member

Ok Fred I will make more effort thanks

What Is The Average Life Expectancy For People Who Have Sma Type 2?

A mySMAteam Member asked a question 💭
A mySMAteam Member

My first neurosurgeon told me an average adult would be around 47 but that was depending on different factors


A mySMAteam Member asked a question 💭
Syria, VA

What are the most dangerous things a sma patient can face

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A mySMAteam Member


Zolgensma For Adults

A mySMAteam Member asked a question 💭
California, MD

Hi everyone. I was wondering if sma adults should start a petition to FDA to make Zolgensma available for adults. The reasons they say we cannot do it: 1) insurance - as adults, most of us have jobs so we have some type of insurance coverage, and the fact the drug is given to kids if insurance does not cover by Novartis anyways is reason why, 2) cost - drug is 2.1 million but most of us on Spinraza or Evrysdi know these drugs cost 400000 a year, so it pays for itself after 10 years, 3)… read more

Is Someone With Sma Type 2 Did Scoliosis Surgery?

A mySMAteam Member asked a question 💭
Xanten, DE

Is Ridisplam Effective For SMA-LED1 Disease?

A mySMAteam Member asked a question 💭
What Is SMA-LED? Read Article...