Practical Inventor's Team.
So, I was wondering if anyone in the SMA community would be interested in joining forces to develop practical open souce inventions for the disabled. Been working on an exoskelleton project solo. The more I learn about 3D printing and electronics, the more I am beginning to think we shouldn't be waiting for someone else to build the things we imagined could make our lives easier. It is time to do it ourselves and make the plans free to everyone. But as one person, my time and resources are… read more
I'm A Life Partner Caregiver Team Member. Trying To Get An Intermittent LOA. Doctor For Tammy Refused To Sign Unless She Fired Her PCA. ??
I Have SMA Type 3 And Have A Torn Rotator Cuff. I Am Wondering If Anyone Has Dealt With This Specific Injury While Also Having SMA?
I Have Sma Type 3. Do Normal Things Is Hard For Me. I Live By Myself. Does Anyone How I Can Get A Full Time Aide Without The High Cost