Earning Money While On Disability
How do you earn money without loosing critical disability benefits and Medicare ? So, in many ways, I am very lucky. When I started needing attendant care, I did the math and there was no way I could earn enough money, keep working, and pay for attendant care. The programs in my state that cover attendant care very strictly require an individual have less than $2,000 in assets total (including such things as gold teeth, burial plots, etc) and not be employed. If not for my father's support… read more
You have to go informal, I.e. not report earnings, they left us no other option. Create business in others name, yo do the work, selling online for example. The 2k limit is ridiculous, there is reason I moved to S. AMERICA, it's the only place I can afford caregivers. F medicare
Power Wheelchair Recommendations
Hello Me I Ask Everyone Here..what Your Straggle In Life Being Sma
Even Though You (or A Loved One) Suffer From SMA, Would You Change The Life You Have?