List Of Questions To Ask Neuromuscular Specialist For First Appointment After Finding Sma Type 4 In Myself
I’m scheduled for my first appt with a specialist to address finding sma in my genetic testing markers when pregnant with my child at 12 weeks. Apparently I have type 4 and looking to get some truth about what this means for me. I’m 34. Anything specific I should ask in addition to the obvious questions?
Christina, this breaks my heart. It can be hard to share and ask for help. Do you have a good neuro team?
I'm 74 next month I will be 75
I have type 4 I can't stand anymore because I hurt so much and I don't take pain medicine I just don't like it.
I stay in pain all the pain is a 7 in the day and 9 at
Night and All I can do is pray.
This is the first time I have said anything about this too anyone else. I keep it to myself.
Do you know how many copies you have? I was initially diagnosed type 4, but a closer examination helped me see that I've had issues for a long time. My diagnosis was established as type 3B. Think about your relationship to mobility over the course of your lifetime. Have you struggled to keep up relative to your peers, falls/breaks, stairs difficult? I had a few issues with pregnancy that I now recognize as SMA including shoulder pain and generalized weakness. Examine it all. If you are type 3 you may qualify for Spinraza or Evrydsdi.
I’ve Had Scoliosis With A Pelvic Tip As An Early Teenager, And Was Diagnosed With SMA 4 Only When I Complained Of Weakness In My 50s.
I Asked This A Month Ago. My Grands Have Been Diagnosed With SMA. How Would It Manifest Itself In Their 73 Yr Old Grandmother
SMA Diagnosis