Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare Advantage,Medicare Special Needs Plans,glasses...???
One day last week I asked my attendant as usual to clean my eye glasses before putting them on me. They were still really an artist , I really rely on my vision, so he cleaned them again . Still foggy, tried glass cleaner, lens cleaner etc. After an argument in which I insisted that I was not in fact going blind, I went to the eye glass store and discovered that I need new glasses...the scratch guard wore off my everything is foggy. I thought scratch guard was… read more
Thanks. I know there are Medicare Advantage plans that cover eye glasses...but apparently regular Medicare does not and it appears Medicaid only to age 21. The problem is I am not sure if my attendant care waiver allows adding private insurance or if i can switch to Medicare Advantage without risking loss of attendant care or have to be re-approved for SMA treatment Evrysdi.
Call any lens crafter or America's best and ask. If you don't ask they don't offer the information. I paid for mine 2 years ago. Thus August I asked if they took the insurance. And they did. So any nationwide eyeglass chain that you have in your area give them a call. I hope that helps!!
I Will Be Speaking With A Representative Concerning The Challenges Individuals With Disabilities Face Concerning Attendant Care 12-16-2024
I Have Sma Type 3. Do Normal Things Is Hard For Me. I Live By Myself. Does Anyone How I Can Get A Full Time Aide Without The High Cost
Earning Money While On Disability