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How Has SMA Changed Your Quality Of Life?

A mySMAteam Member asked a question 💭
San Francisco, CA
March 7, 2022
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A mySMAteam Member

You are NEVER a bad issue in someone's life by having a disability. If a problem does evolve, it's not your problem, it's theirs. You are never alone, I see mention of God. He will never forsake you or leave your side. You were never independent, nobody is. We depend on God and trust his will.

March 14, 2022 (edited)
A mySMAteam Member

I was diagnosed when I was a teen. I was aware of the disease because my brother, who was 14 years older, also had SMA. At first, my SMA progressed
slowly, making walking any distance or climbing stairs or driving or working a daily challenge. But I was able to do it. My life has completely changed. I no longer drive, or shop or work or do much else. I’m now retired and stay home most of the time. I no longer drive because when I drive I lift my leg with my hands to get to teach the break. If I don’t get it just right I may not get to the break in time and hurt someone. I can’t walk without assistance. I have zero balance and fall often. The worst is my independence is gone. I feel like I’m in the way. It takes time to get me in the car or get me in the wheelchair. It’s easier for everyone if I just stay home. Thank God I can still handle personal care. 🙏🏻

March 7, 2022

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