Name The One Thing You Find Most Challenging About SMA.
Being so tired. I have limited amount i can do in a day. I am very grateful I have a good husband to do so much in the household.
It’s hard to depend on others to do things that I used to do.
Jennifer Sanchez, This February will be 3 years that I've been alone. Thought by now it would be much easier but, if anything, I have more regrets. Just trying to be patient with myself and focus on the 20 years we had together. Much love from one survivor to another!
Because SMA effects are so slow over time, friends and relatives often assume I have the same physical abilities I did ten years ago. When I no longer do things I always use to be able to do myself, they think i am being lazy...they just don't realize it expends more physical energy then i now have.
My muscles in my arms have gotten weaker over the past few years.
Even Though You (or A Loved One) Suffer From SMA, Would You Change The Life You Have?
Why Here Has SMA-LED