Could You Share Any Dietary Changes And Tips That Have Helped With SMA?
I have lots of digestive issues, and quite honestly until I joined this SMA team, none of my doctors ever mentioned SMA contributing to digestive issues despite seeing many specialist and as a result… read more
What Gene Causes SMA?
Is SMA The Cause Of My Tiredness? It Is Hard Work Doing Anything And Walking. It Would Make Sense That That Is The Reason For My Tiredness.
Ok Fred I will make more effort thanks
How Do Beverages With Caffeine Affect Your SMA?
I honestly think I am immune from the effects of caffeine. I can literally fall asleep with a straw in my mouth after drinking half a mug of coffee ...but I started with coffee when I was very young… read more
I Was Just Denied By My Insurance My Request For A Hoyer Lift That We Are Going To Desperately Need Soon. What Should I Do?
On Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 03:49:33 PM EST, Disability Coordinator wrote
Good afternoon
I wanted to let you know that I was able to speak with the provider we requested the hoyer through and they informed me that insurance decline the request and are unable to provide you the equipment. If you have any questions let me know. I will begin looking to see if there is a place to get one on loan.
My Reply
I don't understand how I can be denied ...the environmental assessment I had… read more
Hi Eric, really sorry to hear that about,and yes it is ridiculous as you say. If they don't get you through refusal, they seem to get you with pricing which here in Oz is ridiculous! Trust your appeal… read more
Treatment Kab Aayega Sma Type 3 Ka
What Lessons From Your SMA Experience Are You Applying In 2024?
I'm a caregiver. Trying not to be a caretaker. Living into the fact that the sole thing any of us can control is our response to the world around us.
How Does The Cold Affect Your SMA?
I moved to S. America to escape the cold. Cold is our enemy.
Sir If Any Updates Regarding The Complete Cure Of SMA Please Kindly Mail To My Account. "Service To Man Is Service To God"
Does Anyone Know A Good Attorney In Texas To Help With Wrongful Eviction, Defamation Of Character And Many Other Violations Against Disabled